Participant Info
Provflux 2004

:: sunday school ::

intervention RIPTA bus lines :: 5.29 7:30-10a


Early Sundays, people are off to work on the busses and trains. Is a day of rest purely a religious artifact? L'Institute pur le Science Populaire proposes to visit these people on their way to work in Providence to learn more about what they are doing + when they can take a break.

Sunday School concersn itself with labor time, public spaces, and the everyday. Some religious practices require observance of one day without commerce or sweat, bu teveryone else works around the clock. On Sundays we espeically find people in the least well paid jobs, traveling via public transportation, heading off to work Wal-Marts or lugging portable racks of novelty items to public events.

Anyone is welcome to attend this Sunday School with the Institute. We will meet at CUBE2 at 7:30a on Sunday morning, May 29.

about the artist

Sarah Lewison was born in NYC and raised in the suburbs. She received an MFA in Visual Arts at University of California, San Diego in 2001, concentrating in video, media studies. Her situated performances and installation works utilize and comment upon distributed and vernacular forms of research and authorship as forms of social organizing. The ongoing project, "Eccentric Domain" involves the therapeutic collective dreaming of a tangible commons. She has taught at San Francisco State University Information Arts Department and Ithaca College (NY). She is nomadic corresponding editor for the Los Angeles-based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest.