Participant Info
Provflux 2004

:: progressive runway project II ::

intervention begin Market Sq :: 5.27 noon

documentation CUBE2 :: 5.19- 6.4


Last May over fifty models, designers, and documenters participated the first Progressive Runway Project by marching through the arched corridors of the Providence Place Mall in clothing made from recycled materials. The Runway Project engaged the mall allowing patrons to view and question this consumer environment in new ways. Fun, excitement, and security followed the performance from beginning to end.

This year, the project will promote sustainability by making fashion more coherent with biking. This intervention will be fun and exciting for the participants in the project as well as Providence city-goers. With innovative design and action we can use fashion to make exploration and bicycle transportation trendy in Providence.

about the artists

RIOTS (Reacting In Our Traditional Societies) have put together both large and small art + design related public interventions, starting with last year's original Progressive Runway Project at Provflux 2004. Their work has been featured at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum and in the Providence, RI-based EXPOSED fashion show. This year's show will be organized by Joan Wyand and Maya Buelow.