Participant Info
Provflux 2004

:: mobile urban research laboratory ::

intervention the Steel Yard :: 5.26 - 5.30 ongoing

documentation CUBE2 :: 5.19 - 6.4


Specific to American urban and suburban design is the proliferation of “big box” development. Horizontally spread across every corner of the U.S., this type of development is increasingly encroaching upon urban space. As a result, issues of density, mixed use, and efficiency are consistently ignored. MURL believes dialogue and debate about this form of development must be increased in order for solutions and alternative methods to be initiated. These rooftops are opportunities for public occupation at a major scale (sports facilities, urban green space, etc...)

MURL will consist of a shipping container, transformed into a portable, convertable free idea exchange center. The container opens up, poles are erected to hang canopies, and two 16’x16’ plots are created on either side. One side functions as an urban living room with a video projection screen, while the other is designated as a playspace for events.

For Provflux, a similar prototype will be on display, and will serve a double function as a greenhouse learning module and outdoor sleeping option for the Global Campground. People will be able to gather 'round to discover new urban agricultural techniques, and later tell ghost stories under a starry sky.

about the artist

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