Participant Info
Provflux 2004

:: beneath remote hidden lost ::

space recovery tba :: 5.27 - 5.30

documentation CUBE2 :: 5.19 - 6.4

website n/a

Beneath Remote Hidden Lost will consist of 10 signs around Providence, which will each depict a different digitally created image spanning several themes. The images will claim to depict something that is nearby, yet invisible to the viewer (for example, that a structure depicted on the sign is buried 12 feet below the surface at that location, or that a particular view exists behind a wall where the sign is attached).

The images on the signs will range from pieces of imaginary technology, hardware, and infrastructure to bones, skeletons, and glowing light-scapes. There will be a descriptive phrase indicating the supposed nearby location. These images and text are references to an invisible mental landscape of memory, personal history, wishes, fantasy, hope, and loss. An analogue is being made between parts of our psyches that are invisible to us and physical locations that are also invisible.

about the artist

Rupert Nesbitt:

Graduated BFA The Cooper Union NYC 1990 where my art consisted of climbing the bridges of Manhattan. Founding member and artistic director of Project One., A Newport-based organization dedicated to producing public art events.
"My art is informed by diverse experiences that range from 8 seasons in Egypt as an archaeological illustrator to work in Hong Kong as a toy designer."