Participant Info
Provflux 2004

:: public postcards ::

intervention citywide :: 5.28 - 5.29 all day


"Public Postcards" invites people who happen to be standing near mailboxes to suggest a postcard message for an unknown person.

Each pre-addressed and pre-stamped NYC tourist postcard is labeled simply "dear [so-and-so]" and "from" on the back. Strangers are invited to suggest a message for this unknown person and either write and sign the card themselves or simply offer a message of their choice. They may ask a few questions about the recipient to help in composing the message. Once written, the message is read aloud and the card dropped into the mailbox. The postcard recipient may or may not have any idea why they received a postcard from a stranger.

Public Postcards will continue at Provflux; if you'd like a postcard from Providence, send your mailing address to

about the artist

Christina Ray is the founder of Glowlab, an artist network exploring psychogeography as it relates to contemporary art. Her work sets an appreciation of chance and randomness against a need to integrate aesthetic/electronic documentation into daily life through the creation of rules, systems and instructions. Ray's projects take the form of street photography, documentary projects, collaborative and participatory walks and games as well as drawings and web-based works.

Through Glowlab, Ray produces events and lectures, organizes projects and exhibitions, and publishes Glowlab's web-based magazine. Glowlab has worked with organizations including Creative Time, Parsons School of Design, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, Art In General and Intel’s Berkeley Research Lab. Glowlab projects have been featured extensively online and in publications such as the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Village Voice, Time Out, New York Press, and Utne, PDN and Flash Art magazines.

Her work is represented by DCKT Contemporary in New York.