provflux 2006








participant info


provflux 2005

:: do something together ::

exploration saturday 6.3 :: noon-5p :: market square

website n/a

The sky looks different when you’re tied to your friends…

The Mad Crow Collective formed spontaneously at RISD in April of 2006 when Carmen Montoya, John Ewing, Rachelle Beaudoin, Christopher Robbins and Bo Jun were tied together with rope and sent on a psycho-archaeological quest for emoted artifacts in the city of Providence. The nooks of the city took on new meaning for this five-headed beast as it left behind a trail of their experience, like metaphysical snail-sludge.

At Provflux, participants will be tethered together and tossed into their own psychogeographic ooze, armed with an incomplete illustrated map, a cheap camera, and an audio recorder. The set up is simple. The Mad Crow Collective will service a booth in Market Square, tying people together and providing them with the necessary tools. The results of these excursion will be collected and published as a website and perhaps a zine.

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Mad Crow Collective