FLOTSPOT :: Flicker Occasioned Trance Spot

[a project dispersed]

by Laurel Beckman

The human flicker fusion threshold is gauged at 16 Hertz (cycles per second): The observer can visually perceive the pulsation of light occurring 16 times per second or less. Carefully observed light flicker encourages human brainwave (hz) synchronization rates for Deep Relaxation (Alpha 8-13 hz), Semi-consciousness (Theta 4-7 hz), and Deep Unconsciousness (Delta .5-3.5 hz).

FLOTSPOT asks participants to place stickers at locations where light flicker is observed, such as a malfunctioning light bulb, occasioning an opportunity for individual or group trance states. FLOTSPOT enables individuals to mark or create the sites of their own trance experiences while inviting those who see the stickers to obtain their own singular or group semi-conscious states. It is hoped that the public display of FLOTSPOT stickers will suggest the viability and productivity* of collective trance states.


1. Marking sites

Photocopy or download the 4.5-inch round FLOTSPOT emblem and print it on white, 8-1/2x11inch-sticker paper. You can fit 3 emblems on one sheet. Non permanent sticker label stock is more polite than permanent labels. Two sources for the label stock are- http://www.worldlabel.com where you can get 100 sheets of eight and half by eleven White Removable Adhesive Labels (laser/ink jet) for $12.95. Avery brand number 6465 at http://www.avery.com is another source, these cost $21.59 for 25 eight and half by eleven sheets. Sometimes you can find them in a local office supply store, such as Staples or Office Depot.

Trim around periphery of image/s to result in a round sticker. Print and trim many copies. Carry the stickers with you at all times. When you happen upon a flickering, malfunctioning light bulb of any kind, carefully observe the pulsating light until you feel your brainwaves synchronizing, transporting you to an altered mental state of semi or full trance. Mark the site in a visible location with a sticker for others to follow suit.

2. Creating Sites

Tool list: wire cutter, electrical tape, razor blade, fluorescent light lamp starter (4-60W, cheap metal type, not electronic type) Locate a site, indoors or outdoors, that will accommodate 2 or more people. Six or more capacity, with comfortable seating, is optimum. The site must have one or more (40 watt or less) tungsten light sources with at least one accessible electrical cord leading to the tungsten

Holding the electrical cord, carefully slice a 2-inch split between the two covered wires using a razor blade or xacto knife. . Using wire cutters, cut completely through one of the wires and its plastic covering. Remove/strip the plastic covering from 1 inch of both ends. Twist wires clockwise on each end to form a tight grouping. Attach each twisted wire to one of the “little button” connectors on top of fluorescent starter. Wrap finished connections with electrical tape to prevent open sparking. With light bulb attached to end of circuit, plug in and turn on lamp. For more information, look to http://www.epanorama.net/circuits/simpleflasher.html.

The patched-in fluorescent starter causes the tungsten bulb to flash erratically, but typically stays well within Theta and Delta hz levels of (Theta 4-7, Delta .5-3.5) pulses per second, the semi-consciousness and deep unconsciousness zones.

Invite friends and strangers to observe the light pulsations with you. Afterwards, mark the site with a sticker so that others may take advantage of your handiwork.

***FLOTSPOT re-forms the notion of productivity. We are decididly not concerned with efficiency, economy, or use. We do not want to contribute to progress, as it’s commonly understood. We know that to truly move forward we must first move upward. By elevating our mind/bodies from petty individualistic concerns towards the synchronization of our collective brainwaves we travel up from the base and into the exquisite. What of goals? We are not interested in goals. We are interested in states of being, in collective social spaces, in collective consciousness. We re-purpose the ideals of 20th century remote connectivity, to a 21st century connectivity effected through collective altered mental states. We know that this leads to compassion, as synchronized neurons re-form the status quo through affinity and empathy.


Laurel Beckman is currently Assistant Professor of Art in Integrated 2D Digital Media at the University of California Santa Barbara. She has brought FLOTSPOT to New Yorkers at Glowlab’s Psy-Geo Conflux last year. You can email her with your FLOTSPOT experiences at beckman@arts.ucsb.edu.

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