Urban Car Camping

by Ted Kane

The Recreational Vehicle Industry Association estimates that there are over 7.2 million RVs currently on the road, and about 1 million of these are occupied by full time RVers, meaning drivers without a permanent address. This phenomena underscores a cultural shift away from permanence to a more nomadic lifestyle dependent on a flexible infrastructure of cellular phones and satellite Internet, as well as a growing network of RV parks catering to a mobile populace. The full time RVer is not limited to the stereotypical senior citizen, it is a diverse group of drivers, many employed in normal jobs but preferring the independence, flexibility of a mobile residency.

The effect of this new mobile class is now being felt in the California cities of Venice, Santa Monica, and West Los Angeles, which have become popular magnets for campers seeking the comforts of coastal living. Boasting some of the most expensive real estate in the United States, these coastal cities have priced out most people from purchasing property in the vicinity of the bleach. However, living within blocks of the beach is still a possibility for the average person with an RV. This economic dichotomy has made Los Angeles one of the first cities to have to grapple with the desire of some of its residents to live on the streets full time, in their automobiles. Electric Avenue in Venice is one such street, with free parking available amongst the expensive new artist lofts; it is frequently occupied by up to half a dozen RVs each night.

The result of the influx has pitted the permanent Coastal residents, worried about the possible effect on property value and limited parking, against the mobile residents occupying the public space of the street. Cities have begun to clamp down on the campers, as Santa Monica recently did by implementing neighborhood-parking districts, making it illegal for non-residents to park in residential neighborhoods, and other laws requiring that cars not be parked in one location for more than 24 hours, all designed to crackdown on car camping. These new laws are just the beginning of a frightening trend towards limiting the basic freedoms we have historically associated with the street, and as a larger segment of society will begins living exclusively on the streets, we will be facing new challenges of how to define the city outside the current real estate value driven system.

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